Tonight is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, which in Hebrew means "the head of the year." The blowing of a shofar (ram's horn) proclaims the beginning of Rosh Hashanah and it is also know as the Feast of the Trumpets. If you'd like to read a little more about this Jewish holiday and the meaning and traditions of the observance of the holiday, the Chabad site has lots of interesting information - click HERE to visit the site.
I'd like to wish all of you who celebrate this holiday L'Shana Tova!
Apples are one of the foods traditionally eaten for the New Year observance (with honey) - so I thought this photo would be a good one to share for the New Year. We've been doing lots of projects around the house this weekend. Tomorrow I'll finally get some time in my craftroom.
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Thank you for posting about Rosh Hashunah, the Jewish New Year.
Katy, TX