Today is the day for trick-or-treating and our neighborhood "Halloween Parade" (it's actually a stroll around the block but lots of fun to see). After a very busy weekend, I just have a couple of quick things to share with you today.
an idea...
This clever idea for Halloween "eyeball" treats is easy to do - just stab a munchkin donut hole with a fork and dip it in white frosting. Then add some lines of red frosting and use a chocolate chip for an eyeball. My sister-in-law did this last year and I thought that some of you may not have seen the post where I originally shared these gruesome treats!
a card...
I also shared this card last year - I made it with some Lettering Delights Halloween circles (you can read more about how to make the card here). The same method can be used for any occasion using images that are appropriate to the day.
a sale...
If you like working with digital images, there is a dollar days sale on lots of holiday items at Lettering Delights - the sale ends tonight. Fonts, alphabets, graphic sets and paper packs are $1 and cut-it sets are $2. The cut-it sets can be used with machines and programs that will cut SVG files. You can use the code "DollarHoliday" to save 20% on an order of $20 or more.
Holiday Dollar Days (click to go to the sale pages)
and something interesting...
Finally, my brother recently shared a link to a very interesting post about making "Wicked Witch of the West" dolls. There is a company called R. John Wright in Vermont that makes all sorts of collectible dolls and animals.
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I use step-by-step photos to share the methods for making various projects. If you have a few minutes to spare, the step-by-step explanation of the creation of the Wicked Witch of the West doll is fascinating - and makes me want to take up doll making! (click the red words above to go to the page with the production photos),
I hope our trick-or-treaters are not discouraged by the snow - I think most of it will be melted and they will just need to bundle up to stay warm. If you are celebrating Halloween, I hope you have lots of fun - just don't eat too much candy!
A great big Happy Birthday to Rebecca! (my niece who thought everyone dressed up and came to the house to see her when she was a very little girl - Halloween birthdays can be fun!)
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