I thoroughly enjoyed the Royal Wedding - everything about it was nearly perfect. Did you see some of the amazing hats? We lived in England for five years and the women really do wear hats for special occasions. I loved looking at them in the millinery departments of the large stores. Unfortunately, I have thick hair and a relatively large head so it was difficult to find hats that actually fit.
In 1998, my husband and I had the chance to attend the races at Ascot. It was not the "Royal Ascot" week that you think of in the play My Fair Lady, however, the Queen, Prince Philip and other members of the Royal Family were in attendance. I did find a hat that fit for the occasion!
The Creative Charms Farewell Blog hop is continuing through the weekend. I want to welcome any of you who are here for the first time because you are "hopping" through. For my project and the full information on the hop, please go back to Friday's post HERE. If you visit all of the blogs and put the message together you could win the Grand Prize.
I am also participating in a two day Disney Pixar Blog Hop which begins today. I don't do many blog hops so it is funny that these both ended up on the same weekend. I am part of the Sunday group so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what I have prepared. The hop will start on Shawn's blog HERE. If you are on Facebook you can see the event page HERE. The Grand Prize for this hop is a Gypsy
I hope you find lots of inspiration in all of the blogs you can visit on these hops.
Today is Saturday so it is time for our next "discussion." I have really enjoyed reading the comments and I hope you have had a chance to check in and see what other have to say. Last week's discussion about "how much is enough?" was very interesting and made me rethink a few things
A few people wrote that they had typed a long comment and then lost the post when they hit reply. I don't know if there is a limit to the length of the posts in comments on Blogger or if there was another reason this was a problem. If you have a lot to say, you might want to type your comment as an email draft and then paste it into the comment form. If there is a problem you could go ahead and email it to me (capadiadesigns@gmail.com) to add to the body of the post.
Discussion Day #3 - Time to Craft
Most of us have many demands on our time. While we may want to spend time crafting, there are always the daily details of life that require our attention. The internet is a great resource for information and shopping for supplies, however, it can be a huge time sink. If you are constantly reading about projects that others have done and searching out tutorials for various techniques (or hanging out on message boards or Facebook) you might not get a chance to actually make something during whatever amount of time you have for crafting.
If you had the luxury of a full weekend with no other responsibilities (no job, kids, spouse, cooking, cleaning, laundry, paperwork or other distractions) what would you do? Are there things you want to try that you haven't had time to investigate? Are you a chronological scrapbooker who needs to "catch up"? Do you have a project that doesn't need to be done right away that you'd love to complete ahead of the deadline for once?
Are there tools in your home that you have purchased but have not mastered (or even used!)? Is there a technique that interests you that seems too complicated, messy or time-consuming to try in your normal schedule? Would you want to spend some of the time attending a class or crafting with others or would you prefer to be on your own with the luxury of doing whatever you wanted to do?
I'll confess that I have a Wacom Bamboo Craft tablet that I was so excited to purchase with the idea of using it for my digital crafting. I have only taken it out once and I'd love to spend the day getting to know all that I could do with it.
If there is a specific tool or technique that you have questions about be sure to mention it and perhaps another reader will chime in with some helpful tips for you. I will also do my best to answer any questions you have if I am familiar with the tool or technique. I'll continue to leave a link to the topic at the bottom of each post for the week so you can add your thoughts at your convenience.
Have a wonderful weekend and happy hopping!
(The tulip at the top of this post is blooming in our front yard - I'll have some more to show you with that image in a couple of days...)
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