I received a lot of questions and emails about the eyelet edge file. I had hoped that my directions were clear enough to create your own file. I have been trying to encourage everyone to actually use the software and not simply download files from other people. Once you master the basics (which are really quite simple) you can have so much fun creating your own unique projects. However, a number of people wanted my Gypsy file so I have added a link to download the file in the original post HERE.
I also had several requests for a non-Gypsy version of the card and I remembered a "sneak peek" I had posted a while ago and I went back in the archives to search for the post. It turned out to be from last October (time flies...). I had intended to turn this into a finished card but apparently I got busy with other things!
This eyelet edge is more complex and I used some "out of the box" thinking to create it. I wonder if anyone can guess which cartridge I used? I will try to find the file and finish a sample card in the next couple of days.
I had a nice surprise today. I received an email that a comment was added to the thread on the Cricut Message Board where I posted the Wheelbarrow Card I made with Creative Memories Cheerful Seasons cartridge. I clicked on the notification and found out that several message board members were congratulating me because my card was highlighted in the Chirp newsletter this week.
To be featured in the Customer Spotlight you must submit your project, but the highlighted message board threads are selected by the newsletter staff and you are not notified. I still haven't received the Chirp in my email but here is a LINK to the current issue. The Chirp is posted on the Cricut.com site so if you don't get the emailed version you can check there to see the latest news.
The Cricut Imagine will be available in a special bundle (not the same as the HSN bundle) at the price of $579.99 with free shipping. The cartridges included are Imagine More (this is the basic cartridge for the machine), Country Carnival Imagine Art and Audrey Imagine Colors and Patterns
There are also specials for the Cuttlebug Companion folders ($14.39 instead of $17.99) and the latest seasonal cartridge set (Christmas Cards, Christmas Village and Thanksgiving) $54.97 instead of $64.97. If you are a Cricut Circle member you will also get an additional 10% off and double rewards points.
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