Thank you to everyone for waiting so patiently while we have been trying to make our online classes a reality. JenC and I have finished our testing and have finally scheduled our first online class. This is really exciting for us and we hope everyone who has been asking for these classes will be able to participate.
You can check out our new blog dedicated to the online classes by clicking HERE. Since we're not sure yet what times or days will work best for everyone, we have made our first class available next week on two different days and at differing times. Please be sure to read through the entire post to get all of the information you need to take advantage of what we are offering.
Please note: To allow us to offer the best and most personalized classroom environment possible, we will be limiting the classroom size. Requests to participate in each class will be granted on a first come, first served basis. Please make all requests and responses to participate in the class of your choice by sending an email to StudioGoddesses@gmail.com. We will be happy to add additional sessions if we are oversubscribed. There will be more classes on additional topics posted soon so check back frequently to see what we have to offer!
Thank you for your support as we start this new venture!
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