Once I get started on a certain type of project I tend to get carried away and these boxes are no exception! Here are a few ideas for some variations.
First, I found that the base that was used for the original design seems a bit flimsy and does not look as neat on the corners as the origami folded lid so I have started to make the bases without cutting the paper.
Here is an explanation of how I do this -
After making the four scores and folding on the 4 inch lines you can turn the paper on the diagonal and score from the corner to the intersection of the 4 inch score lines.

The Scor-Pal website gives these directions for diagonal scoring:
For diagonal scoring ensure that both corners are aligned to the same groove. The ruler markings along each side fence will help with scoring a 12" piece of paper on the diagonal. Align the page with the 6" groove using the side measurements as a reference for centering.
Here you can see the left and right sides of the Scor-Pal with the 12 inch sheet of paper on the diagonal - there is not a specific guide mark and I find it tricky to get the score line perfect - it tended to got a bit to one side of the intersection of the first score lines.

So I experimented and found another way to make this fold - First fold the paper on the four inch line as you see below

Then, carefully pull back the edge from the scored line and align the score line with the folded edge (I needed to hold the camera to take this photo but my right forefinger would be at the scored line pulling it back to meet the outer edge

Here you can see the paper properly aligned - since it was not scored you need to be careful to avoid getting an odd crease or pucker in the fold.

If you slide the bone folder straight back to have the tip in the corner and then pull it out on the diagonal you should end up with a fold like this

Here is a side view of the fold

and here you can see the base with three of the four folds completed

When you have finished the box the corner folds will fan around the sides of the box, leaving a folded edge instead of a cut edge at the corners.

One more tip - when scoring the flower petals it is a good idea to place a corner piece on top of a side piece and score them together. It is easy to align the side flower petal since it has a two inch straight edge and by centering the corner petal which ends in a triangle you can insure that the score line is in the correct position.

Here is the exploded box - you can experiment with using different colors for the various petal layers.

Another way to make an attractive box is to alter the original .cut file by adding shapes along the edge of the flaps - here I added small flower cut outs on the George version of the file (they are on the same cartridge to make it simpler).

The flaps are ready for placement into the base - notice all the leftover flower cut outs - be sure to save these! Below is the full base made with the corner fold method, ready for the flaps to be added.

Here is the box after assembly - folded and ready for the lid

Below you can see the final box - opening up to reveal the heart in the base

and here is the fully opened box - the heart is surrounded by a ring of flowers!

Here is one more example - first the final box ready to present with a gift inside!

when the box is opened the inside is a pretty surprise

I ran the flaps through the Cuttlebug to emboss them - they fit perfectly if you let the tab remain outside the folder and insert it sideways (I forgot to take a photo but I will add one to this post in a day or so to show the positioning). It is best not to emboss the tab that will be glued to the box so that there will be a smooth area to form the bond between flap and base.

Above is the close up view of the embossed flaps in the box

I added some of those extra flowers cut outs to the baser and even put one in the lid for fun! In this version I used three larger flowers on each flap.

I haven't posted a cut file for this - you can use the original files and "save as" and then experiment with using whatever shapes appeal to you! Have fun with this (I may have a few more variations to share in another day or two...)
Love the explosion boxes. Your work is always great! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.
ReplyDeleteMarjorie Smith
you have so sold me on needing one of the scor pal!! Plus i just love all the stuff you make!! I peek in often to see what you have been up to!! Amazing!!! :)
ReplyDeletePlus you've been tagged!!! Check out my blog here...