Monday, June 30, 2008

Cub Scout Frame

A Cricut Message Board member contacted me because she was having some trouble adapting my Eagle Scout Frame (see post on April 5th - LINK HERE)

I revised the frame and sent it to her but I thought that there might be many others who would be interested in this version of the frame (after all there are many more Cub Scouts than Eagle Scouts) so I am posting it today for others to use.

Please use the link above and read the directions on the placement of the paper to make sure that your cut works correctly with even outer bars around the frame.

Cub Scout Frame


  1. Your frames are all amazing. How in the world do you do that?

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. We have a brand new Cub Scout in the house.

  3. The boys of our den made 8 1/2 x 11scrapbooks. Can this be adapted to fit? I'd love to cut them out for the scouts, but I'm sure they'd want to put them in the books they made. Thanks.

  4. I just posted an adapted design for the Cub Scout frame tonight (March 6, 2009). I hope the boys enjoy having them for their albums!


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